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Music, Science & Culture
(Ref. HUM-1001)
February 2025
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Information about the group

M u S i C (Music, Science & Culture, HUM-1001) is a transdisciplinary research group studying music as science and culture. It is composed of researchers from the universities of Granada, Cádiz and Jaén, in collaboration with scholars from the universities of Oviedo, Leeds, New York, Toronto and Luxembourg.


Cultural studies adopt methodologies from the far-reaching microhistory (Magnusson, 2017) and the ethno-historic perspective (Bohlman, 2010), combining archivist historical research with the ethnography of nowadays. Its main research interest, focused on Spanish music from 18th century until now and its international relations, are: 
Nationalism, Internationalism, Exoticisms and Receptions of Spanish music; Music and Press; Urban Music; Spanish Parishes Music; Wind Band Music. In the Sciences field, the studies are focused on Neuroscience of Music, specially the influence of music in the Default Mode Network.






Congreso Internacional Celebración y sonoridad. Investigación interdisciplinaria sobre fuentes poético-musicales hispanoeamericanas (siglos XVI-XIX). (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, noviembre 2019).

Francisco Giménez junto a Philip Bohlman en el International conference Music, Arts and Politics: Revolutions and Restorations in Europe and Croatia, 1815-1860. (Zagreb, octubre de 2019).

Fátima Martín participa en el Congreso Our Music, Our World. Wind bands and local social life (octubre de 2019, Aveiro, Portugal).

Fernando Barrera obtiene una mención en los Premios Miríadax Innovación Educativa (Madrid, 2019).

Miriam Albusac. Ponencia en Campus Aquae, 2017.  

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