Coordinated among Oviedo, Autónoma de Barcelona and Granada universities.
Musicological research in Spain has undergone significant progress in recent decades, which has allowed to incorporate new approaches, considering social, cultural and anthropological studies. In addition, in recent years the object of study has moved from the center to the "periphery", and from the great musicians to the musical activity in specific contexts, with great development of studies focused on cities as frameworks of interaction of music practices.
This project reviews the approach that microhistory can bring, looking for a greater complexity and a less generalization of historical processes, the exhaustive analysis of the sources, the increase of the study focuses (or individual research figures). Nevertheless, the impact of the global vision on every individual as a part of a much larger context is connected here with ideas and thoughts that are often rooted in faraway places, becoming a far-reaching microhistory.
The research on "peripheries" in taken in a double sense: 1. the study of the cities far from the center constitute the "periphery" in Spanish musical historiography, a centralist vision that we try to overcome; 2. Spanish music is still a peripheral history in international musicology, with few studies that still perpetuate an exotic vision and with little repercussion from our own research abroad. The study of peripheries also enable us to connect our research with hot topics in international musicology, such as the redefinition of modernism, nationalism, internationalism or cosmopolitanism. In this context it is essential to vindicate the role of women in the musical activity of the peripheries, cities and countries, where they have been even more silenced by social pressure and the public.
This proposal is a further development, revision and update of our latest Research Project Microhistory of contemporary Spanish music: cities, theaters, repertoires, institutions and musicians (HAR2015-69931-C3-1-P) coordinated between the universities of Oviedo, Autonoma de Barcelona and Granada. It gives a new perspective to the research initiated with the R + D Research project: Music Press in Spain (1822-1946): study and international diffusion (MICINN, HUM 2007- 66693) and Music and Press in Spain: data collection, study and online dissemination (MinECO, 2012-2014, HAR2011-30269-C03-01).
The adoption of a methodology that is identified with the approach of the far-reaching microhistory, focusing the research on concrete events with all possible sources, while deepening at the same time on the ideological and social issues that underlie each specific topic, will contribute to substantially changing the centralist vision of Spanish music of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and the peripheral situation of our research in the international context.